Budowa Roku 2012 prizes have been awarded

Fronton office building in Kraków
Fronton office building in Kraków
Prize-winners of 23th edition of the contest Budowa Roku 2012 are already known.

The contest is organised by the Polish Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians with the cooperation of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy, and the General Office of Building Control. Prizes are considered to be one of the most prestigous survey of achievements of Polish building industry.

57 buildings in various categories were proposed for the newest edition of the contest. The commission assessed the quality of realisation and the use of advanced technical and technological solutions.

Two projects have been awarded the first-rank prize in the office buildings category. The first one is an office-residential complex at Kamienna 19b and 21 in Kraków, that is the Fronton office building. The investor of the building is Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa i Obrotu Towarowego FRONTON Sp. z o.o. The other prize-winner is the office and service building with necessary infrastructure in Poznań at Grunwaldzka 182-196, whose project was created in JEMS Architekci's architectural workshop. In the category of refurbished office buildings the prize was awarded to LE PALAIS OFFICE in Warsaw at Próżna 7-9, the investment of Warimpex company.

Also second-rank prizes were awarded in the contest. Opera Office in Gdańsk, whose investor is Euro Styl company, has been honoured in the category of office buildings. The prize in the category of refurbished office buildings was awarded to the first stage of apartment and office buildings in Warsaw at Kijowska 5, realised by PBM Południe Development Sp. z o.o. 

The building honoured in the third category was the administrative and office building of Górnośląski Park Przemysłowy in Katowice at Konduktorska Street, belonging to Górnośląski Park Przemysłowy Sp. z o.o. The seat of Bank Polski Kasa Opieki SA, Bielsko-Biała Branch and historic office building with usable garret in the place of the former vodka factory Koneser in Warsaw were chosen as exemplars of an excellent refurbishment.

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krakus :
Fronton na pewno zasłużył, widać, że solidne wykonane i materiały wysokiej jakości. Projekt może prosty, ale pasuje do tego rejonu Krakowa
June 28, 2013 at 5:04 PM