Museums Night in Ufficio Primo

The office building Ufficio Primo in Warsaw
The office building Ufficio Primo in Warsaw
On Sunday, in nearly 150 cities of Poland, Museums Night was held. In Warsaw, in Ufficio Primo office building, the art fair took place,

Museums Night has been held in Poland since 2003. In many cities, the visitors have a unique chance to see museum pieces for free. More entertainment is guaranteed by various attractions, such as concerts, or stand up comedies. In Wrocław, people will be able to visit City Stadium which was constructed on the occasion of Euro 2012. In the capital city, Art Yard Sale Ufficio Primo was a great event. It was the art fair, where people could buy the works of art from artists.

80 Polish artists and designers took part in the event organized in the office building Ufficio Primo near Wspólna 62 street in Warsaw. On Sunday, May 18, at 9:59 PM, the illumination of artistic installation was inaugurated and it was available for only two days in Ufficio Primo. Night visiting lasted from 10 till 12 PM, while meetings with the artists took place also between 12 and 6 PM on Saturday and Sunday.

Art Yard Sale Ufficio Primo is a part of Museums Night for the second time in a row, despite of the fact we are not museum, but the organizer of art fair - Aleksandra Osadzińska, the founder and organizer of the fair, said.

The visitors could watch the works of best Polish artists and illustrators. Among them, there will be graphics who designed the identification of Polish biggest banking and culture institutions. This year, we additionally divided photographic section that presents the classics of Polish photography, but also the artists who chose photographies as the medium of their artistic expression - Aleksandra Osadzińska. Commented. In the photographic section, there were the works of such artists as, Chris Niedenthal, Tadeusz Rolke i Edward Hartwig.

The owner of the building is Kulczyk Investment company, which supported the event financially. Communing with art has to be the pleasure within direct reach literally and figuratively. We give an opportunity not only to art, but also to buy the works at relatively low prices. It is a great chance to be close to the art market and the works of magnificent artists - Dominika Kulczyk-Lubomirska, the representative of Kulczyk Investments noticed.

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Ela :
Niestety w tym roku nie udało mi się dotrzeć na Noc Muzeów, ale inicjatywę uważam za świetną.
May 22, 2013 at 8:58 AM