What's next with deregulation?

Extraordinary committee dealing with the changes in the act on job regulations, is now about to face many propositions of amending the project on deregulation act, which was created by the justice department.

In November 2012, extraordinary committee was appointed in order to deal with all the projects on deregulation acts concerning 200 regulated jobs. Its last meeting took place in January 24, 2013 and was joined by Leszek Hardek, President of Polish Real Estate Federation and Witold Czapla, the representative of Employers of Poland.

During the discussion on the articles of deregulation act, the most doubts appeared while discussing the articles 6, 11 and 9, which were concerning accordingly notaries, carriers and jobs on real estate market. The last group includes real estate brokers, real estate managers and financial experts. Voting and proceeding concerning those jobs are about to take place after discussing the amendments and remarks made by legislation office and justice department.

Many suggestions appeared about the project on real estate jobs, which was prepared by justice department. According to Leszek Hardek: There is a proposition of keeping job qualifications, widening the range by including people with secondary education, deleting the supportive activities and the change of liability insurance - from the one for a broker to the one for a businessman. The Graduate Advocate proposed the further deregulation in the case of financial experts, while a Member of Parliament from Prawo I Sprawieliwość suggested even to delete all section V from the act of real estate economy (as a reminder, section V concerns the regulation of all three jobs).

The next meeting of the committee is planned for February 2013. The opinions of legislation office and the Ministry of Justice will be presented then.

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