INTERBUD Exhibition starts in March

The representatives of construction branch will gather in Łódź for XX Construction Exhibition INTERBUD.

XX Construction Exhibition INTERBUD will take place in Łódź on March 1st- 3rd. For the construction branch it is the place of presentations, meetings and debates. Visitors will get acquainted with new products and will enjoy numerous special offers prepared by the exhibitors. The schedule of the Exhibition includes themes concerning many current problems of the branch and local community, i.e. protecting the environment, looking for efficient technological solutions, legal changes related to the construction branch. 

The Exhibition is made both for large companies which plan major investments and for people who want to build or renovate their houses. Exhibited products and services include building materials, lagging, renewable energy sources, finishing materials, roofs, garden facilities, architects, contractors, property. Reliable solutions and new products which are just entering the market will be presented in each of those areas. This year's premières include for example: panel shingles created in Norway as well as new wooden and wood-aluminium windows.

Numbers speak of the magnitude of the event – the Exhibition will hold 327 companies and institutions, over 10 thousand exhibits will be presented.

The schedule is created by specialists and exhibitors. During the Exhibition there will be around 40 presentations, meetings with specialists, and conferences prepared by the exhibitors. Besides, during INTERBUD there will be many other events important for the branch such as XV Konferencja Towarzystw Budownictwa Społecznego (XV Conference of Social Building Societies), "Nowy Kodeks Budowlany… co dalej?" ("New Building Code... what next?") Conference, "Nowe warunki wprowadzania do obrotu wyrobów budowlanych według UE" ("New conditions for the marketing of construction products according to EU") Forum, Termomodernizacja budynków użyteczności publicznej (Thermal retrofits in public buildings), "Pięć kroków do własnego mieszkania" (Fife steps to own a place").

INTERBUD has been included in a governmental programme "Promocja polskiej gospodarki na rynkach międzynarodowych" (Promoting Polish economy on international markets). It means that the exhibitors will be able to present their products and services at the European level. Specialist journalists from the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Germany, Russia, Sweden and the Ukraine will visit the Exhibition.

The Exhibition will take place in MŁT hall at Politechniki Avenue 4 and in Hala Sportowa (Sports Hall) at 21 ks. Skorupki Street. The official opening will start on March 1st at 11.00.

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