The offer of Polish State Railways (PKP) includes ground for multifamily housing development in Kuznice, Wroclaw (from about 0.9 ha up to the over 3 ha and the asking price 4,6-15,9 million zl), Brochowie (0.6715 ha, 2.8 million zl asking price) and four parcels on the Paczkowski st. designated for the service and trade (the smallest property has an area of 0.2195 ha, the biggest building – around 1 ha).
Also ground on the Sucha st., having a surface area 1.2659 ha (next to the Wroclaw Central Train Station) is offered for sale. Concept of architectural and urban revitalization of the railway station and its surrounding includes this property. According to the revitalization project the property will be transformed into modern space that will include commercial area, office and hotel.
For sale are also other commercial premises, such as building on the Pilsudski str. with an area of 277 sq.m, situated next to the Wroclaw Glowny railway station. Among the smaller properties Worth of noting is building on the Małachowskiego st. and the Jabłecznej st. - buildings belong to smaller properties.
PKP plans for this year include housing buildings of 28 sq.m.
Attractive offers of Polish State Railways

PKP company is conducting tender proceedings concerning sales of real estate of the company located in Wroclaw.