Contest results on concept of developing Gdynia's Fishing Pier (Molo Rybackie) were posted in Gdańsk. The winning project was designed in Arch-Deco Studio - quoted "Gazeta Kaszubska"
Complex will link together certain functions: office, trade, service and housing. According to the concept of Michał Baryżewski and Zbigniew Rzeszka, there will be four buildings on the plot: one with the height of 140 metres, another with the height of 56 metres and two buildings with the height of 36 metres. Premises have to be set perpendicular to embankment, and their frontal elevation will be done aslope. Due to such exposure, from the most of glass spaces a panoramic view on the sea will spread. Pavement which will be turned off from the traffic will be located around Fishing Pier, drivers are enable to drive only on two linked roads and underground parking. Marina for several hundred of yachts is going to be built in the fishing port. Building of public view platform is also planed.
Arranger of a closed contest was Dalmor - the owner of the property, for whom architectonic concept was developed. Despite of posting the winner and accordance with the local plan, it is still not known when development of area will begin. Delays are connected with company's privatization, which hadn't come through yet.