Book initiative in Marynarska Business Park

Wymiennik Książkowy in Marynarska Business Park
New initiative Wymiennik Książkowy was launched in the Marynarska Business Park office complex. The main goal of this event is to promote both reading and cashless exchange between employees.

New initiative Wymiennik Książkowy was launched in the Marynarska Business Park office complex. The main goal of this event is to promote both reading and cashless exchange between employees. In one of the buildings, special area for reading and sharing with used books was created within the initiative. The library is being constantly extended by new titles added by employees of Marynarska Business Park and carers of Wymiennik Książkowy. In order to borrow a certain work, one should only sign into the book and bookplate. Books can be also kept provided that they will be replaced with others.


We do our utmost so that buildings managed by us could be places where work pervades with relaxation and favors creative exchange of thoughts. Contact with literature is an idea which appeared first. Except for cultural aspect, Wymiennik Książkowy has a chance to become a place of informal atmosphere. We know now that this idea aroused enthusiasm among our tenants and we hope that it will develop over time. We are convinced about rightness of this idea and thus we encourage other managers and owners of buildings to implement it – says Izabela Kapil, Vice President, Portfolio Management.


The idea of bookcrossing was initiated in USA in 2001 by computer programmer Ron Hornbaker, who created At present, the website has already had more than 11 million of volumes from 132 countries all over the world.


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