New competition - bailout for research and development works for big companies

The recruitment process for proposals is currently being conducted by the National Center for Research and Development. It will last from 14th October by the end of November this year. It concerns a competition dedicated to big companies, whose objective is to finance research and development works.

The recruitment process for proposals is currently being conducted by the National Center for Research and Development. It will last from 14th October by the end of November this year. It concerns a competition dedicated to big companies, whose objective is to finance research and development works. The project is being realized within the Intelligent Development Operational Program. The participation is envisaged for organizations which hire more than 250 employees. It is aimed at support of big R+D projects as well as enhancement of competitiveness among native companies with the use of results of the conducted research and development works in their business activity.


The budget of the competition will amount to 750 million zlotys. Entrepreneurs may apply for a bailout for industrial research and development works, or only for development works within the project. If the half of the total eligible cost is intended for industrial research, the value of a bailout may amount to even 20 million euro whereas in the case of development works – 15 million zlotys.


A characteristic feature of the competition (so called „fast path” competition) is maximally shortened expectation time for a decision up to 90 days. It is worth mentioning that the National Center for Research and Development launched a similar project for micro, small and medium companies in April this year.


Brak Oceny

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