Resumption of KCB

The construction of Katowickie Centrum Biznesu at Korfantego St has been resumed. The investor is Maciej Jaglarz, a businessman from Katowice.

The construction of Katowickie Centrum Biznesu at Korfantego St has been resumed. The investor is Maciej Jaglarz, a businessman from Katowice. Marcin Pawlik, who is responsible for investment, explains that extension of the additional storey will soon be commenced. There will be eight storeys in total. The underground car park already exists. Investor plans to create a financial centre in this office building – informs “Dziennik Zachodni”.

History of KCB begins in 90s, when Katowice authorities along with IAEG, an Austrian firm, founded a company. The city was to provide a place for construction, whereas IAEG was to provide necessary funds. However, the company did not pay the contractors and the erection was halted leaving only the framework of the office building, which scarred the city.

In 2007, an Irish company – Howard Europe, planned to convert the framework into a hotel, however to no avail. In 2010, the initiated investment was bought by Maciej Jaglarz, a businessman from Katowice. He guaranteed an additional space for a car park by buying a nearby lot.

Brak Oceny

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