Drukarnia shopping mall becomes an office?

Drukarnia shopping mall
Drukarnia shopping mall
Advanced works on the conception concerning a partially change of the profile of Drukarnia shopping mall in Bydgoszcz are being conducted.

The owner of Drukarnia shopping mall – Opus 2 Investment partnership – has been conducting analyses and market studies concerning a possible reconfiguration of the center for several months. The plans envisage i.a. reconstruction and extension of commercial and service space by high class office areas – it may concern even several thousand sq. m. The construction works would run in two or three stages.


The authorities in Bydgoszcz runs a clear and consequent politics regarding openness of the city for location of some structures, the tenants of which provide professional services for business (BPO, Business Process Outsourcing). This constructive and partner approach lets us to believe that the analyzed scenario is a project which is worth considering – says Jacek Brzozowski from Opus 2. 


The details concerning the conception of a partially change of the profile of Drukarnia shopping mall, which is being analyzed by the owner, will be known at the beginning of 2015.


Drukarnia shopping mall was opened in Bydgoszcz in November 2007. The total usable area amounts to over 17 000 sq. m. The shopping mall is located in the very heart of the city center at Jagiellońska 1 Street.

Brak Oceny

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