Greater Poland is on the lookout for some investors

Market Square in Poznań
Market Square in Poznań
Greater Poland is trying to attract some investors who are eager to renovate old buildings and take care about a social value of projects.

We need such investors who generate an additional social element except for a typical commercial project. We have some examples of such designs like remodelling of factory shops for an office with a park managed by a city – says Radosław Krawczykowski, chairman in Department for Regional Program Implementation in Marshal Office in Greater Poland.


Radosław Krawczykowski emphasizes that it does not have to be a very big investment. However, its role in a public sphere is important. Therefore, it is attractive to create business incubators. Companies which would not be able to function anywhere else in normal and real market rates may be located in a business incubator. Even if there are additional several or several dozen such places, it is worth investing these means – believes Radosław Krawczykowski. – It does not always have to be a work place which is directly generated.


The accessibility to preferential loans from EU JESSICA initiative plays a crucial role in attracting investors. However, the entrepreneurs must realize a social aspect of the investment in order to apply for it, for instance, through creating a new civil area or revitalization of buildings. Not every project which applies for a bailout may meet our assumptions, though the selection of projects may help to choose the best ones and those which generate certain work places – convinces chairman of Department for Regional Program Implementation. 

Brak Oceny

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