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Piastów Office Center – a new building and new tenants

Piastów Office Center
Piastów Office Center investment consists of three buildings: commissioned A and B and revitalized C buildings
The group of entrepreneurs who rent space in Piastów Office Center has recently increased. Currently, the realization of the third building in the area of that Szczecin investment is lasting.

In Szczecin, next to the one of the most important crossroads of the city – Piastów and Bohaterów Warszawy Avenue, in the neighborhood of the main campus of the Szczecin University, Piastów Office Center is arising – a modern office complex which is being realized by Realkapital Szczecin II partnership. The investment consists of three buildings: A, B, C. The first of them offers 8400 sq. m and was commissioned in April 2013 and the second one, which offers 6800 sq. m of office space, in June of the current year. Currently, the C structure is being built and it should be commissioned in June 2015. This part of the complex will offer 5200 sq. m. The investor does not exclude that in the future the complex will be extended by other structures.


Each Piastów Office Center building has 5 aboveground tiers and under the offices there is 3-tier car park with ca. 520 parking places. The complex arouses the greatest interest among IT branches. In our investment, every tenant may find a place for himself. However, so far most of our tenants are from IT industry, for which technical conditions offered by us are the most priority. These are i.a.: IT solutions offered on the area, two independent sources of power supply plus juicegenic aggregate on the roof, system of securities in the building etc. – explains Agnieszka Kołodziejczak, Head of Property Management and Tenant Relations.


The largest foregoing tenants of the complex are companies such as: Arvato, IAI S.A., Geomar S.A and Calypso Fitness. Additionally, within last four months partnerships like: BTC Sp. z o. o., Consileon Poland, MG Solutions, MacroBond Financial Sp. z o. o. and REC Sp. z o. o started their activities in the A and B buildings. Till the end of 2014, KYB Europe and Bonair SA are going to move into the complex. Moreover, on the turnover of the year a new canteen will be opened. The C building is currently offered in 80 per cent to its potential tenants. At present, negotiations concerning possible transactions are lasting.


Against the information, which is duplicated by media, Litwiniuk agency did not mediate while concluding last transactions with Macrobond Financial, Consileon Poland and BTC Sp. z o.o. companies. This company is not responsible for the commercialization of the property any more.

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