Two more allowance in Cracow's SSE

Anachron Technology and Pharma Cosmetics received permits for conducting their operations in the area of Cracow's Special Economic Zone.

The board of Cracow's Technology Park has given two more permits for conducting of commercial operations in the area of Cracow's Special Economic Zone. A total of 130 permits has now been given by KPT since the company's beginning.

Anachron Technology is a Dutch company from the IT sector operating in the area of electronic invoice market. The company is creating the 'Software-as-a-service' applications for institutions worldwide. In the SSE, Anachron Technology plans to provide electronic storage and data presentation services along with payment service for companies and customers worldwide. The company should invest at least 500 000 zlotys and provide at least 24 new workplaces.

Second company to receive the permit is Pharma-Cosmetic which is a part of capital group Fagron. The company is a world leader in terms of complex solutions for pharmacy. The group offers high quality resources, intermediate products and solutions designed for pharmaceutic, cosmetics and veterinary companies. In the Cracow's Zone, the company intends to create a packaging of pharmaceutic resources center desinged for making prescription and drug store medications in constant and fluid forms. The company has agreed to invest at least 33 million zlotys and hire no less than 80 employees. It will be the first company to have their investment procured in the area of Trzebinia.

It's a perfect location in close proximity to A4 highway exit. Moreover, due to Lesser Poland's Regional Operations Programme, Trzebina county has received funds to provide the area with water , sewage and energetic infrastructure as well as outer roads. These terrains are worth attention - comments Krzysztof Krzysztofiak vice-president of KPT's board.

KPT has already given 17 permits this year, which will provide the region with investments worth 450 million zlotys and 952 workplaces.

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i fajnie
October 10, 2013 at 1:22 PM