Construction act of new office building was signed by: Ryszard Grobelny President of the city of Poznań; Mateusz Klemenski, vice-Chancellor of Greater Poland Province and the board of Greater Poland's Investments Support Center, which is the company in charge of Poznań's Technology and Industry Park.
The event symbolizes the official start of PPTP's development, although advanced construction works are ongoing since August 2013. The construction is conducted by Greater Poland's Investments Support Center along with a group of engineers and experts from Wrocław's Ekocentrum. The general contractor of the project is Warbud SA from Warsaw.
The office buildings is one of the three buildings planned in the area of PPTP, which will offer A class space. The corner stone was placed beneath the future segment 'B', which will be located just by segment 'A' built by 28th of June 1956 St. 406. The location will offer 5564 msq on seven storeys as well as an underground parking lot with 25 places. The project includes the possibility of free interior arrangement. In the western part of the structure, a recreation terrace free to use for all users of the building, has been planned.
Included in the Park will be three connected zones – office, incubative and industry and production. The project also includes the construction of building 'C' which will offer 5000 msq of space.
75 % of the investment is financed from JESSICA initiative loan (providing a total of 18,5 million zlotys) and 25 % is financed by the company itself. The completion of the construction and putting the building into operation is predicted on 4th quarter of 2014.