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Cracow SSE has provided 888 new work places in 2013

Owing to concessions granted on the within the territory of Cracow special economic zone 888 new regular posts are going to be created.

According to the raking prepared by Rzeczpospolita the Cracow special economic zone managed by KPT achieved the best result among all zones in Poland in the matter of the new workplaces. 888 new workplaces will be created, owing to the licences issued in 2013.

What is more, Krakowski Park Technologiczny is ranked as the fourth in terms of the declared value of investments. If we issue, as we expect, 5 more licences before the end of this year, it will mark the best result since the moment this zone was established. We are very happy, because it means that our long-term strategy concerning the creation of a positive investment climate in Little Poland begins to benefit. Advertising campaigns, trade missions as well as creation of Business in Małopolska trademark, as well as opening of the integrated investor service office Centrum Business in Little Poland, which leads to attracting new investments to our region – says Krzysztof Krzysztofiak, the vice president of KPT board.

From the beginning of the year the board of KPT has issued 15 business licences concerning allowing for business activity within the Cracow special economic zone. The new coming companies have invested approximately 420 M. PLN.

The first place of Rzeczpospolita’s ranking is occupied by Pomorska Zone (13 agreements worth of 931 M. PLN and 558 new workplaces), the second place belongs to Katowice zone (900 M. PLN as well as 850 workplaces) and the third is Wałbrzych (668 M. PLN and 715 regular posts). The overall value of this year’s declared investments in all zones amounts to 4.2 milliard PLN, which means a 1 milliard more than the last year.

Brak Oceny

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