Real chances for Szkieletor in Kraków

This is how the Szkieletor is to look like after the reconstruction
Szkieletor currently is an inglorious showcase of the city
The City Council has accepted a land development plan, due to which the investor will be able to reconstruct the building.

It is highly likely that a high-rise located near Mogilskie Roundabout in Kraków will be reconstructed. Treimorfa office building, called by the residents the Szkieletor [Skeletor], soon can change from embarrassing into modern showcase of the city. For the town council has accepted the presidential plan for the area, on which the building is situated, that is the project “Lubomirskiego – Beliny Prażmowskiego”.

According to the plan, the office block is to be extended upwardly to 102,5 metre height, that is the one permitted by the Province Conservation Officer. Also lower, 40-metre buildings, may be erected in the vicinity. In addition, the plan assumes creating a generally accessible square in front of the Szkieletor, open from Lubomirskiego street’s side. Pedestrian precincts were not neglected as well, among others there will be a promenade joining the office building with near Cracow University of Economics’ buildings and Lubomirskiego street.  

What will be located in the refurbished building? Mainly offices, but also conference rooms, and even apartments. The highest storey was designated for display and catering business space.

Szkieletor’s history dates back to the year 1975, when its construction had begun. Four years later, however, its implementation was suspended, mainly because of financial reasons. In 2005 the structure was purchased by the current owner, Treimorf company, in which their shares have Eurozone Fund represented by Verity Development and GD&K Group. Initial projects were not accepted, chiefly due to the height proposed – 130 metres. In 2010 there appeared a new project, this time proposing the height of 102,5 metre.

So far there were attempts to reconstruct Szkieletor by means of zoning, but they were not successful. Accepting regional land management plan will facilitate obtaining a construction permit. Passing a resolution does not mean that it is in force. Now the resolution of the City Council will be passed to the Voivode, who has 30 days to possibly raise an objection. If he does not do it, the resolution will be in force 14 days after being issued in the Małopolskie Voivodeship Journal of Laws – explains Paulina Legut, the Project Management Deputy Director, GD&K Group.


Brak Oceny

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