New companies received permits for Kraków SEZ

KTP Board gives the permit to the representatives of Trefl company
KTP Board gives the permit to the representatives of Trefl company
Krakow Technology Park Board granted permits for business activities to two companies: PROTECH sp. z o.o. and Trefl Sp. z o.o.

Two new companies will begin business activities in Kraków Special Economic Zone. Krakow Technology Park granted permits to companies PROTECH sp. z o.o. and Krakowskie Zakłady Wyrobów Papierniczych Trefl-Kraków sp. z o.o. These are already the 125th and 126th permits given by KTP since the beginning of its existence. 

PROTECH is a company from metal processing industry. It deals among others with manufacturing steel welded heating boilers and metal components of casings for lorries. In addition, the enterprise cooperates with reasearch institutions and universities, focusing on research, development and implementation. PROTECH, together with PIMR Poznań, received last year a few prizes and awards for one of the patent pending inventions. It is already the second permit for Kraków Special Economic Zone received by the company. Capital expenditure, to the amount of 13 million net, will be borne in Zator subzone. Furthermore, it is to increase employment in the zone to 60 employees. 

Krakowskie Zakłady Wyrobów Papierowych Trefl-Kraków are going to build a new production and warehouse factory, together with an office part. The investment will be located in Niepołomice subzone. The new factory is to be based on innovative solutions and modern technologies. The company will invest PLN 11 million, and employ 80 people in the new building. Trefl is a winner of numerous prizes, i.a. Gazela Biznesu for the most dynamically developing small and medium firms in Poland. It also received an award of Diamenty Forbesa for a firm, which will increase its value the most.

Since the beginning of the year there were 13 permits granted in Kraków SEZ, and the companies declared increasing capital expenditure in the amount of PLN 297 million and employing 713 new employees.

Brak Oceny

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