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Interchem's building for sale

Interchem's building in Gdydnia has been put up for sale.

Millenium Leasing Sp. z o.o. is the owner of the Interechem's building. The recently put up for sale office and storage building offers the floor space of 5 860,70 sq m. It was built in stages between 2000-2006. It is the three-storey building designed in hall arrangement with two side extentions.

Unpaid leasing commissions are a reason for the building's sale. The Trade Union of GK Interchem Workers has informed about the transaction on its website. Moreover, the Trade Union has expressed concern for the future of its workers and products stored in the building after the change of the owner.

The transaction is going to comprise the plot of land of 10,199 sq m including the building and a steel shelter plus plots of the area of 1,103 sq m and 5,937 sq m with a gatehouse and a car park. Furnishings are not included in the deal. The construction is made of reinforced concrete. Initial offers could be made to 15 February 2013.

Interchem S.A. has been operating since 1996. Currently, the company is dealing with financial problems which result in group dismissals, as the Trade Union of GK Interchem Workers informs. With a formal letter workers have been also informed about the dismissal of three members of management board.

Millenium Leasing Sp. z o.o. is a continuation of BEL Leasing partnership, founded in 1991. In 2006 the company's name was changed and the company joined the capital group of Bank Millenium. Partnership handles financial activities offering services of an operating and financial lease and building rental.

Brak Oceny

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