Sky Tower and an unusual illumination - PHOTOS!

Sky Tower's Original illumination.
View of Sky Tower from south-eastern side.
Wrocław. A Powerful Index Window Display decorated a known building.


This unusual event could be obesrved on the south-eastern side of one of the biggest buildings in Poland. Dynamically changing images and music created a breathtaking show. The duty of organising the event rested on the backs of Studenckie Koło Naukowe MOS, operating by Katedra   Metrologii   Elektronicznej i Fotonicznej at Politechnika Wrocławska. Project P.I.W.O. (Potężny Indeksowany Wyświetlacz Oknowy - Powerful Index Window Display) is an uncommon building illumination system. The students openly reveal how it was possible to achieve such an excellent effect.

- Mainly through the hard work of 18 people, who during whole two days dealt with installation of the lighting system on the building. Additionally the effect was so good thanks to our system's new technology. In may this year we've finished construction of lighting modules based on LEDs, which provide better contrast and energy efficiency compared to light bulbs - explains project's coordinator, Krzysztof Skurzyński. - To begin with it should be noted that it was not Sky Tower which came to us, but the other way round. Up until now our activity has been limited solely to academic circles. Though I have to admit we did recieve several offers for organising a show already, for example for the grand opening of some structure, also an office building.

It turns out that for the students the light and music show with Sky Tower in the main role has been the hardest task in their career until now.

- It has been a serious challenge in both technical and organizational aspects. We operate as an Academic Circle at Politechnika Wrocławska and as such we have limited financial capacity, and an event like that consumes a lot resources. In this case a helping hand has been extended by Sky Tower's board, who covered a significant part of our expenses. The weather turned out to be an another large obstacle. We had to struggle against sudden cold, snow as well as fog which limited the show's visibility. It was our first time organising a show on such a big building as Sky Tower with such unfavorable weather conditions - relates Krzysztof Skurzyński.

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Marek :
Jak oni to zrobili? Tam już ktoś mieszka? niesamowite!
November 2, 2012 at 12:45 AM