ECO Future4Build invites architects

Future4Build is an innovative business platform, which gathers everyone on whom the shape of modern construction depends.
Future4Build is an innovative business platform, which gathers everyone on whom the shape of modern construction depends.
Warsaw. In a little over two weeks, a second international sustainable construction conferenceis going to take place, during which ecological technological and material solutions will be presented.


Sustainable construction is in large part dependent on creativity of architects, who more and more often need to combine difficulty level and issues from many different fields in their work. Currently, for an architect deisgning an ecological building is a challenge, in which he has to bring together all participants of a construction investment process: specialists in construction, installation, energy balance, building management; specialists in ecology, economy and representatives of construction elements manufacturers.

Ecological designing is more demanding than one not taking into account sustainable development issues. In its case it's bound by the rules of shaping an architectural structure, which aim for the best possible combination of buildings functions with increasing its energy efficiency and use comfort. A satisfying end result is possible only when from the start till the end the designing task is considered and realized comprehensively.

Current realities place an important task before architects. They need knowledge, technical support as well as constant exchange of ideas and experiences with other participants of the construction process.

Such possibilities are being provided by a business platform Future4Build. During the conference's two days everyone on whom the shape of modern European construction depends will meet. This meeting is going to be two intensive days of exchanging ideas and experiences, discussion, product presentation and educational workshops.

The organizer of the two-day (8-9 november) conference in ExpoXXI hall is Sappphire Ventures.  is the event's media partner.

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