New business centre

A multifunctional building called SB Grafit is to be made on the corner on Namyslowska and Jednosci Narodowej st. in Wroclaw.

A new multifunctional office centre called Grafit is to be built on the corner of Namyslowska and Jednosci Narodowej st.  in Wroclaw. According to ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’, the building is to be 6 storey high and provide over 15 000 sq. meters of space. The overall cost of the investments is estimated to be 36 million PLN.

Grafit was designed by APA Kurylowicz & Associates.  The architects have planned over 150 commercial stores on the ground floor and the first floor which are to cover 2.7 thousand sq. meters. Above the first floor there is to be office space – tenants will have a choice in terms of the area of their office from 40 up to 2.2 thousand sq. meters.

40 % of the money needed for the investment is to come from Agencja Rozwoju Aglomeracji Wroclawskiej which also is important for the whole investment process. The rest of the cost is to be defrayed by a load which is to be paid off by the money for rent from tenants. The centre is to be built by Alfa-Dach and it is to be ready in April 2012.

Brak Oceny

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