Trust Check research begins


City : Warszawa
Place :
Date : 23.04.2012 - 01.01.2008
Hour : 16:00 - 00:00
Status : closed
On April 23, Trust Check research begins

On April 23, Trust Check research begins. The main aim of the project, which was done by Procontent Communication, is to check how the companies in Poland are communicating with their background and are they prepared for crisis situations. The research is also to pick those companies that are most trustworthy for us.

The first edition of the research will be done among subjects working in three branches: energetic, construction and property, as well as pharmaceutical.  

We decided to do a Trust Check research, because trust is undoubtedly one of the less appreciated sources of competitive advantage of a company, while communication politics influence trust in a direct way. It should support the implementation of business aims and fulfill informative needs of the employees at the same time – Iwona Kubicz, Procontent’s President, explains.  

Honorary patronage was taken by Warsaw College of Promotion and China Central Europe Business Forum (member of Businessmen and Employers Association). The research is also patronized by such marketing media as: Marketing Przy Kawie,,, and branch media:, Energetykon,,,,, Rynek Pierwotny,,,,

Crises that influence companies are becoming more and more violent. What becomes more important then is constant and open communication with a company’s background and sincere information about the intentions and aims. Managing communication and the process of creating company’s reliability are treated as a crucial component of managing processes and they are subjected to market valuation – adds Krzysztof Kubiak,PhD, Warsaw College of Promotion’s Public Relations Institute Director.

Moreover, the idea of the research is to pick those companies that fulfill criterions of effective communication. They will receive Trust Check Certificates.


Please, visit the research’s website:

Brak Oceny

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