Office buildings in Poland 2012 - waiting for the return of a market downturn


City : Warszawa
Place : hotel Marriott
Date : 25.10.2012
Hour : 09:00 - 16:00
Status : closed
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On November, 25 in Mariott Hotel in Warsaw, 5th edition of „Office buildings in Poland” conference will be held, which is organized by Nowy Adres S.A. It is not only the largest, but also the most prestigious meeting of construction branch in Poland.

Moods on Polish market have not been so good for a long time. Lessees are back on the market – vacant houses commissioned in post-crisis years of 2008-2010 are mainly developed. Developers renew the investments – in every month in Poland, construction of new big projects begins.

However, banks are slightly not so optimistic, as they are advancing credits for commercial investments rather reluctantly. It is also hard to predict the effects on macro scales that the unstable situation in PIIGS countries (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain) will have upon our economy. Nevertheless, the crisis on our office market is gone. When can we expect a real market downturn? 

Answers for this and other questions are to be found by the participants of 5th edition of „Office buldings in Poland” conference. It is not only the largest, but also the most prestigious meeting of construction branch in Poland.

The forum of the conference will be joined by over 20 talkers representing full spectrum of opinions and outlooks and over 250 participants that work actively on Polish construction market. Most of all, we encourage you to take part in the first day of the conference – the representatives of the biggest developers of Polish market and international advisory companies will discuss the current situation. We also recommend the discussion panels devoted to advanced technologies that boost the attractiveness of office buildings for lessees and the phenomenon of Polish office buildings’ attractiveness among Western investment funds. The discussions with the representatives of banks financing commercial investments will be also present.

Among the talkers, discussion moderators and panelists, there will also be branch journalists, well-estimated analytics and the representatives of the biggest players on Polish office market.

The program includes:

  • Current situation on Polish office market
  • For how long will the big Western companies locate their shares in Poland?
  • Demand for office spaces forecast 
  • Sales are going on - are Polish office buildings attractive as an investment product?

Declare your participation in the 5th edition of the biggest meeting in office branch in Poland!



Please, watch a film from last year’s conference: 

Brak Oceny

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