Mobile Devices Security


City : Warszawa
Place : Hotel Novotel
Date : 24.09.2012
Hour : 08:00 - 20:00
Status : closed

In June 2011, Android Market exceeded the threshold of 6 billion applications downloads; according to conservative estimate, 6 billion smartphones are being used in Poland now.

A research from 2009 revealed that in a nearly half of Polish companies, at least half of their workers are using a mobile device – e. g. for sending e-mails, communication with CRM and ERP systems and storing important data.

It takes a single synchronization of data between a smartphone and a computer to enable a network’s failure by malicious software.

If you want to know more about the safe usage of mobile devices, we invite you to the 2nd edition of the free conference:

Mobile Devices Security

Selected talks:
– Mobile devices in a company – legal aspects - Małgorzata Darowska (SALANS)
– Sourcefire FireAMP Mobile – Antivirus in ‘a cloud’ for mobile devices - Piotr Linke (Sourcefire)
– Mobile Devices Security - Marcin Jerzak (Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center)
– Collecting personal data by using a smartphone – problems and challenges - Michał Sztąberek (iSecure)
– Mechanisms of security in mobile operating systems - Szymon Retecki (PCDOC)

The participation in the conference is FREE OF CHARGE, the only one condition of participation is registering earlier on a webpage:

WARNING! Number of places is limited! Register right now and be sure to participate.

The companies interested in presenting their solutions are welcome to contact us.

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