The second edition of the „Creator of work places” competition

The winners of the first edition of the "Creator of work places" competition, pic the Ministry of Labor
The winners of the first edition of the "Creator of work places" competition, pic the Ministry of Labor
The organizer of the competition is the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

The competition is aimed at companies which created new work places and increased the amount of employed people last year.


We would like to award employers for the second time, who prove that each investment in people indicates a development of a company. It is not important how large a certain enterprise is or which industry it is – we aim it at all people. The „Creators of work places” are companies which put their employees first and take care about the best work conditions – says Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy.


The prizes will be awarded in five categories: small, medium, big company, and big industrial and productive company, as well as big commercial and service company. All companies in which the increase in employment was noticeable in 2014 will have a chance to win the „Creator of work places” title. Additional points will be granted for employment of young employees who are under 30 and people over 50 as well as disabled people. The minor criterion of a grade will be so called reliability of employers, which is expressed by i.a. the fact if employees are hired on the basis of employment contract.


The applications may be sent by e-mail (, by post, or they may be submitted personally in the headquarters of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (Nowogrodzka 1/3/5 Street, 00-513 Warsaw with annotation – COMPETITION CREATOR) in the period from 2th March to 29th May. The competition form may be downloaded from the website of the Ministry.


The Minister of Labor and Social Policy – Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz will hand the prizes to employers during a festive gala in June. The winners of the competition will obtain i.a. a right to use the „Creator of work places” title and logo of the competition for a year. The laureates of the first edition were such companies as: Lubelski Węgiel „Bogdanka” S.A., Atos IT Services, Toys „R” Us Poland Sp. z o.o., Tomasz Cajdler Tomtex and Zakład Unieszkodliwiania Odpadów Komunalnych Spytkowo. Moreover, the competition board granted two distinctions to Koleje Mazowieckie Sp. z o.o. for a special contribution to employment of people in the age of 50+ and „PIWEK” Centrum Obróbki Mechanicznej Mateusz Piwek for employment of people under 30.


Brak Oceny

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