The Office building of the Year 2014

Business market

The most interesting, the most beautiful and the one with the most original architectural project – which building commissioned last year deserves The Office of the Year 2014 title?

The second edition of The Office of the Year 2014 competition!

Present your investment


The rules of participation:

  • having an office investment commissioned in 2014 in one’s portfolio
  • willingness to be awarded a prestigious prize


See the last year's edition of competition ->


What to do in order to participate?

Step 1

Send to our e-mail

a) Pictures -> 2-4 actual pictures of your investment

b) Visualizations -> 2-4 visualizations


Obligatory condition! The building of your office must have ended in 2014


Step 2

Send us your data:

-> Name of investor

-> Name of architectural studio

-> Address of your building


Wait for results!

See the winner of Office Building of the year 2013 ->


We would like you to send us your applications for the participation and materials till the end of February 2015.

The winning investment will receive The Office of the Year 2014 title and it will be presented within the newest publication of E-BIUROWCE: The summary of the office market in 2014!

Brak Oceny

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