Charity Warsaw Business Run

Lukasz Trendel - the beneficiary of this year's Warsaw Business Run
September 14 starts the Warsaw Business Run - a charity run companies operating in the financial market, real estate, hospitality, as well as BPO / SSC, organized for the charges of Foundation Jasiek Mela “Poza Horyzonty”, which takes care of those amputees.

Poland Business Run combines the desire to help the promotion of healthy lifestyles and the integration of the business environment, and its main goal is to help ward foundation in the purchase of prostheses. This year, the Warsaw Business Run will support the 27-year-old Luke Trendela, who lost his leg a car accident, and since 2012 comes to a temporary prosthesis because of financial reasons cannot afford to purchase the right.


The organizers assumed that in the course of 2000 participated in 5-person teams, reported by the companies, organizations or individuals. The contestants compete in a relay 5 x 3.8 km, making a total of each team will run 19 km. To be effective, the organizers need even 800 people!


Warsaw Business Run will start September 14, 2014 at 10:30 am year.


As part of a nationwide initiative, at the same time, the course will take place in Cracow (for Daniel Budziak), Poznan (Talarczyk Jacob and Peter Morava), Katowice (for Gregory Kocoła) and Lodz (for Thomas Matuszkiewicz).


The organizer of the shares registered in December 2008 Foundation of Jasiek Mela "Poza Horizonty", helping people after an accident waiting to dentures and in need of psychological support and legal. The Foundation also seeks to integrate people with disabilities into society.


The other organizers of the Warsaw Business Run are:

  • Accenture
  • BNP Paribas Securities Services S.K.A.
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Hays
  • JLL
  • Luxoft
  • MSLGROUP - ethics, ambition, efficiency


We invite you to participate in an event!

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Comments 1
Anonymous :
To nie jest bieg "biznesmenów" - biorą w nim udział także kobiety. Poza tym bieg nie tylko reprezentują drużyny firmowe z podanych sektorów. Każdy, kto zgłosi pięciosobową drużynę, może pobiec
August 27, 2014 at 4:04 PM