At Your Service!

Park Club
Why commercial, service or gastronomic points are expected by tenants to be located in the neighborhood of their offices? What matters can be dealt with by employees on the area of office buildings?


Perfect Solution for Busy Parents

One of the facilities appreciated mostly by office workers are places intended for their children such as nurseries, kindergartens, schools, etc. Such places are often created for parents who are professionally active, for office kindergarten allows to achieve balance between working life and family life. It eliminates problems related to daily commuting to kindergarten whereas mothers and fathers can feel more comfortable and safer having their children close to them. Kindergartens and nurseries located in offices often aim at inhabitants of housing estates in the neighborhood of a given office. For instance, the residents of West House 1A, which belongs to West Forum office complex in Wrocław, have a kindergarten at their disposal. “Kolorowe Kredki” (“Colored Pencils”) kindergarten occupies over 300 sq. m and it has its own fenced playground of the size amounting to 200 sq. m.

Choose by Yourself

Cafes, restaurants, commercial pavilions, fitness clubs, medical centers or kindergartens are only some of the services offered on the area of modern offices. Many developers want their offers to be complex. What is more, they often care about their employees’ opinions while creating these offers. Such care about tenants is particularly presented by Business Garden, where Vastint conducts a program called Hospitality. This program creates an opportunity of introducing service packages which are in compliance with tenants’ expectations. At present, they have different service points at their disposal, for instance, kiosk, laundry, carrier point, bank or car wash, where it is possible to book a visit online or by phone. The service package is selected according to the tenants’ needs and people who work on the area of Business Garden can assess deliverers in a survey every year, enumerating both advantages and disadvantages, whereas the quality of services offered by tenants are checked by the so called unannounced "visitors". The employees are also covered by the loyalty program.

There are many new commercial and service points as well as gastronomic premises in modern offices. They constitute an added value for office tenants and attract people who do not work in these buildings. Thanks to such points, offices are visited by inhabitants day and night as they can deal with many daily tasks in such places, meet with their friends or relax on public squares.


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