
Dwie nagrody dla najemców OBC na CEE SSO Awards 2015

5 lutego, podczas uroczystej gali w Hotelu Intercontinental w Warszawie poznaliśmy zwycięzców konkursu branży BPO/SSC CEE Shared Services and Outsourcing Awards 2015, organizowanego przez BiznesMedia Polska. Wśród nagrodzonych znaleźli się rezydenci kompleksu Olivia Business Centre.

Po raz trzeci z rzędu nagrodę w kategorii Recruitment Firm of the Year przyznano spółce Hays Specialist Recruitment. Wśród laureatów rezydujących w OBC znalazła się również organizacja PwC Poland, która została wyróżniona po raz drugi w kategorii General Advisory/Location Advisory Firm of the Year.


Wśród nominowanych w tegorocznej edycji plebiscytu znaleźli się także inni najemcy Olivia Business Centre: Sii (IT services firm of the Year) oraz spółka Barona HR Services (w kategorii Most unique services provider). Do nagród typowany był również sam kompleks OBC (jako Best Office development for BPO/SSC sectors) oraz program Olivia Campus Best University-Business cooperation of the Year.


Zwycięzcy CEE Shared Services and Outsourcing Awards 2015:


Top CSR initiative of the Year - Poland Business Run

Best University-Business cooperation of the year - CIMA and SGH joint study programme in Management Accounting

BPO Contract of the Year - Global Remote Services (Romania) and Airport of Rome

Employer of the Year – BPO - CPL Integrated Services

Employer of the Year – Shared Services - MANN+HUMMEL Service s.r.o. (Czech Republic)

Business Centre Manager of the Year – BPO - WNS Global Services

Business Centre Manager of the Year – Shared Services - BNP Paribas Securities Services

Recruitment Firm of the Year - Hays Specialist Recruitment

Executive Search Firm of the Year - Advisory Group TEST Human Resources

Special Recognition Award - ASPIRE

“Emerging” City of the year – Poland – Rzeszów

“Emerging” City of the year – CEE – Kowno

Best City of the year – CEE - Wilno

Best City of the Year – Poland - Kraków

General Advisory/Location Advisory Firm of the Year - PwC Poland

Real Estate Advisory Firm of the Year - Jones Lang Lasalle (JLL)

Best Office development for BPO/SSC sectors - Business Garden Poznań (Vastint)

IT services firm of the year – CEE - Bulpros Consulting (Sofia)

IT services firm of the year – Poland - Atos IT Services

BPO firm of the year – CEE - CPL Integrated Services

BPO firm of the year – Poland - Capita Polska

Most unique services provider – Poland - Intitek Polska

Most unique services provider – CEE - Process Solutions

“New-entrant” SSC of the Year - GE Healthcare

Shared Services firm of the year – Poland - Cisco Global Services Center

Shared Services firm of the year – CEE - Barclays Technology Center Lithuania



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