
The 8th annual CEE Retail Awards Gala and Retail Forum

Lista wydarzeń

Miasto : Warszawa
Miejsce : InterContinental Hotel
Data : 28.01.2016
Godzina : 09:00 - 17:00
Status : zakończone
The 8th annual CEE Retail Awards Gala and Retail Forum
EuropaProperty is proud to host the eighth annual CEE Retail Real Estate Awards Gala, the region’s premier retail awards event.

EuropaProperty is proud to host the eighth annual CEE Retail Real Estate Awards Gala, the region’s premier retail awards event. This eagerly anticipated occasion will take place in Warsaw at the InterContinental Hotel on January 28th, 2016. The organizer, EuropaProperty, is expecting more than 450 guests including over 100 retailers doing business or planning to do business in the region. The event is subject to considerable media coverage with local and international media attending. This ensures, guests, participants, companies, and award winners, an extra opportunity to publicize themselves, and of course the retail sector. The awards gala and retail forum also provide an excellent opportunity to make new contacts and renew existing business relationships in a pleasant and social yet professional environment.

For more information please go to


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