The cooperation of OBC and University of Gdańsk is based on many initiatives dedicated to academic and business environments. The first important event which took place at the beginning of the academic year was Job Fair organized by OBC at the Department of Social Science of the University of Warsaw in which participated 10 companies from the Gdańsk office complex. Moreover, students could consult their CV and application letters within this event as well as listen to lectures concerning i.a. planning of careers.
It was the third job fair organized by OBC but the first one which took place outside the city center. We decided to change the formula and reach greater amount of students at the University of Gdańsk which is one of our leading partners – says Małgorzata Ziemkowska, OBC.
The second important event was the twelfth edition of the BOSS Festival organized by Studenckie Forum BCC. In this year's edition all students of University of Warsaw could draw inspiration from representatives of companies from OBC who shared with their experiences and gave some advice in the area of business, career's development and soft competences.
OBC also cooperated with Academic Newspaper which publishes cyclical articles related to the first steps on the labor market. Moreover, OBC sponsored Academic Sport Association, organized an event of the Star Speakers' meeting cycle on which successful people in the area of science, culture and sport were invited.
The cooperation of OBC and University of Warsaw included a lot of events or initiatives. It will be certainly continued in the following academic year, that is 2015/2016.