Architectural pearl of Lodz city

Market in Lodz immeasurably changes over night, says Dagmara Grębowska, the property specialist at Hammermed company
Dagmara Grębowska
Dagmara Grębowska, the property specialist in Hammermed company

Basic Hammermed company’s activity is providing of highly specified medical supplies to its receivers from private or public health sector. Where does the real estate interest come from?

 The real estate adventure has started, when the company first bought the surface of 3500 sqm located at Kilinskiego St. There was a main building located there of 650 sqm. The building was built in 1911 and was used for entertaining purposes, that is a disco club with food and beverages, and administrative services. Then, the real estate was sold as one of the first-owned. Subsequent years brought equally lucrative investments. Gradually, we were getting more attractive office and servicing parcels on permitted terrain, in our opinion, the most attractive region of Lodz. All that thanks to the investor’s interest of Lodz in its high-density housing – historic villas, tenement houses, factories and the professional team of co-workers.

Can you tell us more why did Lodz?

The location choice depended on the investor’s sentiment, where he was raised up and the willingness to change the environment for better, newer, more functional. Thanks to those determined actions, determination and consequence, we owe this the investor our gratitude for the architectural pearl at Kopcinskiego 73/75. Nowadays, the ING bank headquarter.

How do you evaluated the real estate marked situation in Lodz?

The Lodz market is constantly changing. Recently, huge companies, looking for a convenient location for its economic activity, were choosing Lodz, because of its good communication and attractive prices.

Kopcinskiego Business Center has been rewarded with 2010 Modernization title. Could you describe how does the facility renovation work look like?

The facility at the beginning of the construction was at the edge of so-called “technique death.” Exclusively thanks to the unhesitating actions and investor’s determination, the building was brought back to life, and it is our town’s identity. Visitors coming to Lodz can see it with their own eyes.

The main modernization goal was the revitalization of the walls of the facility, maintaining its unique elements and combining them with a modern design which was applied on the inside of the building. It was feasible thanks to the application of interesting technical solutions, high quality of the materials and the details orientations. The application of the introduced methods in combination with a careful realization allowed for restoration of another facility which creates special and unique atmosphere in postindustrial Lodz.

What was the most difficult during building adaptation and modernization?

 After the factory takeover in 2006, nobody presumed that the process of obtaining a permission for a construction will take 3 years. Once the permit was granted, the revitalization works started, however, the building was on the edge of a “physical death.” Only thanks to determination of an investor “full time work” has started, and the building was not only saved but also revitalized and has received the title of “the best modernized facility of 2010.”

What market segment is this rental offer directed to?

We are very open and do not have specified expectations in order to choose a future tenant. We appreciate the interest as small as big companies regardless their business activity.

How would you encourage future tenants?

Another stage of our activity will be renovation of the following numbers: 71, 73, 75, 77, 79 in Kopcinski Business Center. Our token is a high class quality of the office space with an exceptional, individual and unique architecture element. We approach our clients individually. Currently we are looking for a tenant of a glass class A office at Kopcinskiego 77.

What are your future plans? Is there a perspective of future office facilities?

It depends on the occasion. As we plan our investments, we pay attention to Lodz modernization, creating new, high class office spaces. We plan to carry an architectural contest at Kopcinskiego 79.

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