The conference „Financing commercial real estates”


City : Warszawa
Place : Hotel Sofitel Victoria
Date : 21.09.2011 - 22.09.2011
Hour : 08:00 - 20:00
Status : closed
The specialists on obtaining means for investment will meet in Sofitel Victoria hotel in Warsaw.

On September 21-22, 2011, the conference „Financing commercial real estates” will be held in Warsaw. The specialists, who will meet in Sofitel Victoria hotel, will discuss on effective and fast solutions of obtaining means for investments.

The participants will get to know e.g.:

  • Who and on what terms can apply for bank-financing of investment;
  • How do banks asses investment’s risk, creditworthiness and substantial value of a project;
  • How to optimally secure a credit, e.g. by proper preparation of an agreement;  
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of off-bank sources of financing (leasing, investment funds and emission of bonds);
  • How to plan tax optimization and prepare a proper form of real estate investment;
  • Which are the successful methods of identifying and estimating risk on different levels of implementing investment and how are the minimized in practice.

Among the talkers, there will be the representatives of GPW, BZ WBK, ImmobilenBank AG, Pekao SA, Foundation on Mortgage, Echo Investment, J.W. Construction, Ożóg and Partners Law Firm, WGN Real Estate, Cushman & Wakefield and Hochtief Poland. Apart from the lectures, the participants will be able to ask questions during panel discussions. 

Brak Oceny

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