ECO Future belongs to green technologies


City : Warszawa
Place : Biblioteka Uniwersytecka
Date : 28.11.2011 - 01.01.2008
Hour : 08:00 - 00:00
Status : closed
On November 28, the second conference as the part of Innovative Poland series will take place in Warsaw.

On November 28, in University Library near Dobra street in Warsaw, the second conference will be held as the part of Innovative Poland series, organized by Warsaw Voice. This year’s edition is entitled “Future belongs to green technologies”.

The conference’s aims is to spread the knowledge on certifying interiors, researches on work environment quality and to get to know the executors, designers and decision makers with new green products and technologies. The participants together with well-known specialists and invited guests will think on whether is it profitable for the companies to be eco-reliable nowadays.

The conference is targeted at people and companies interested in introducing green innovations to Polish office and commercial real estate market. Among the participants, there will be e.g.:
- architects,
- developers,
- investors,
- heads of stock-listed companies,
- company owners,
- representatives of the branches interested in certification,
- representatives of IT sector,
- banking and financing representatives,
- representatives of local authorities.

The subject matter of the conference will touch upon:

  • Certifying interiors (parameters necessary to obtain a certificate, examples of implementation in Poland),
  • Costs of certifying a green building,
  • Quality of work environment in Poland and worldwide (report, research, presentation of innovative solutions and technologies),
  • Influence of new ergonomic and ecologic solutions upon the improvement of work environment’s quality,
  • Eco-reliability of a company – method or necessity (energy-saving programs and solutions, green products in the offer, programme of green purchases, etc). 
Brak Oceny

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