Document Workflow –intelligent workflow of documents and information in an organization


City : Warszawa
Place : Millenium Plaza Golden Floor
Date : 28.02.2013
Hour : 08:00 - 18:00
Status : closed
Document Workflow –intelligent workflow of documents and information in an organization

The effective functioning of a company or a public institution is a consequence of the choice of suitable solutions. Systems of managing documents' workflow can be undoubtedly called the necessary tools that lead to the synonym of an efficiently functioning organization. The subject matter of the conference is aimed at presenting the influence of the systems of electronic circulation of documents on the optimization and improvement of the work of private companies, or public institutions.

We invite you to participate in the conference on

„Document Workflow –intelligent workflow of documents and information in an organization”
that will be held on February 28, 2013 in Warsaw.
We encourage you to register!

 A lottery of valuable prizes will take place during the conference!

The event will be a perfect place to gain knowledge and exchange experiences concerning following issues:

-platforms automating the office work,
-workflow - automation of business processes,
-corporative systems and portals,
-electronic signature,
-systems of automation of HR departments and accountants' work,
-documents in iCloud,
-OCR/ICR/OMR - intelligent registration of the documents,
-digitizing of documents,
-managing authorizations and access,
-electronic archiving,
-scanning and processing of documents,
-managing paper documents,
-mass printouts.

We invite to participation people responsible for:

-processes connected with managing documents and information in a company,
-managing prints and correspondence,
-IT development in a particular company,
-gaining and maintaining technical infrastructure in a company,
-introducing modern IT solutions and administrative ones,
-business development, innovations and organization of a company,
-choice, sale and introducing systems of managing a company.

In particular:

-Managers, Directors, Heads and Coordinators of the organizational subjects of public administration,
-Main and Senior Specialists, responsible for the documentation of a department office (HR, accountancy, administration etc.),
-Representatives and Decision-makers of local authorities units,

-CIO, Directors and Managers on IT department, as well as IT infrastructure and technologies,
-Directors and Managers on operational affairs,
-Directors and Managers on Administration,
-Directors and Managers on Finance,
-Directors and Managers on HR,
-Directors and Managers on Administration,
-Directors and Managers on Sales. 

The participation is free of charge, you just have to fill in an application form:

We provide all the participants with coffee-breaks and conference materials. 

Brak Oceny

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