Showroom Internorm in Platinium Business Park

Platinium Business Park in Warsaw
Platinium Business Park in Warsaw
A showroom owned by producer of windows and doors is currently being realized in the Platinium Business Park complex in Warsaw. Clients will have an opportunity to examine the newest solutions offered by the company.

Internorm decided to locate its newest showroom on the ground floor of the Platinium III building, which is a part of the Platinium Business Park complex. It is going to occupy ca. 175 sq. m. The company was advised by experts from the Walter Herz consulting company. The owner of the structure – Allianz Real Estate Group – was represented by agents of White Star Real Estate.


Internorm has been functioning on the market for over 80 years. It is a family company which used to be a one-man locksmith's workshop. At present, it is the most modern enterprise and one of the biggest producers of windows and doors in Europe.  


The establishment of Internorm showroom will enable clients to look closer at the activity of so called intelligent windows, which may be steered by a special application installed on tablets or smartphones, and examine „window for allergic patients” using technology thanks to which the old air is exchanged for the fresh one and filters also clear them from flecks, dust and dampness. This mechanism works similar to recuperation. In the future, showroom will be a perfect place for exhibitions, organization of conferences, events, training courses for architects and business partners.   


The Platinium Business Park complex is located at the crossroads of Domaniewska and Wołoska Streets. It is composed of five offices class A offering ca. 55 000 sq. m. The investment was realized in 2010.


Brak Oceny

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