Intel stays at Jerusalem Avenues

Jerozolimskie Business Park
Jerozolimskie Business Park
An international concern from technological industry extended a lease contract in the Jerozolimskie Business Park complex.

Jerozolimskie Business Park is a small complex composed of four office buildings offering jointly 16 840 sq. m of leased area. Companies such as PGNiG, Takeda, Nowa Era and Mac Millan placed their headquarters in the structures. One of the foregoing tenants – Intel – decided to extend its lease contract.


We are very glad that Intel decided to stay in Jerozolimskie Business Park. It is one of many examples confirming that this location and buildings provide a high quality of work and they are popular among tenants. At present, new facilitations are being implemented – both inside the buildings and in their surroundings. Thanks to them, the offered office areas will be even more attractive – sums up Katarzyna Kosińska from Apollo-Rida, responsible for commercialization of JBP on the part of the owner.  


Intel was advised by DTZ agency. The office in Jerozlimskie Business Park – located in an extremely popular passage of Jerusalem Avenues – meets expectations of Intel concerning location of the building in close proximity to the city center. The new owner has interesting development plans of common areas and properties which turned out to be an additional incentive for the company – says Mikołaj Sznajder, Associate Director in Team for Office Areas, DTZ. 


Jerozolimskie Business Park provides their tenants with a convenient communicational infrastructure enabling access from almost each part of the city. In respect of commercial and service base, its offer is complemented by two shopping malls located in the neighborhood. The structure was commissioned in the years 1996-2001. Moreover, the complex was included in the portfolio of funds managed by Ares Management at the beginning of this year.


Brak Oceny

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