A Successful Year 2019 For IMMOFINANZ: Lease Contracts Signed For Over 71 000 Sqm

One of the largest investors on the Warsaw office market, Austrian IMMOFINANZ, ends the year 2019 with a very good result in the office sector, signing lease contracts for over 71 000 sqm.

This exceptional score results from the contracts with both new tenants in the portfolio of IMMOFINANZ and current tenants who extended their lease, reporting the need for renting additional space due to their organic growth. The first renewal of the Warsaw Spire tower acquired by IMMOFINANZ was also signed in that period.

The large group of tenants in the portfolio of IMMOFINANZ has just been extended by a company from the IT sector, Vewd Software Poland, which rented over 1 200 sqm in myhive IO-1 situated in close proximity to the metro station. One of the current clients of IMMOFINANZ, which reported the need for renting additional space while renewing their lease contract, is one of the leading deliverers in the field of business travel management in the world, which leases almost 7 500 sqm at EMPARK Mokotów Business Park.

One of the largest prolongations signed in 2019 within the Warsaw office portfolio of IMMOFINANZ is related to companies from the Marsh & McLennan Companies group. The tenant continues a contract with myhive Nimbus concerning over 7 500 sqm.

The first tenant of the latest and the most prestigious properties in the portfolio of IMMOFINANZ – Warsaw Spire tower, with whom the lease contract was signed is DaftCode. It's a company that specializes in technological businesses. Together with gastronomic space (DaftCafe), the tenant occupies almost 2 000 sqm in the Warsaw Spire tower.

The year 2019 was really special due to many reasons. We’ve carried out a record-breaking transaction on the office market by acquiring the Warsaw Spire tower and we’ve been really effective in maintaining a high commercialization level of our portfolio on the metropolitan market for the last 12 months – says Magdalena Kowalewska, Country Manager Operations Poland, IMMOFINANZ. Interestingly, when we analyzed the number of signed contracts last year, we realized that it's almost identical to the total space of the entire Warsaw Spire tower, which illustrates the scale of the achieved score – adds Kowalewska.

IMMOFINANZ is a company from the sector of commercial properties, which concentrates on commercial and office buildings on seven main European markets: Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Poland. The company specializes in real estate management as well as developer activity. The STOP SHOW, VIVO! And myhive office brands are the key areas for their activities, reflecting the concentration on high-quality services. The company has a portfolio of the value amounting to ca. 5.1 billion EUR, which includes over 210 properties. The company is recorded on the stock exchange in Vienna (ATX index) and Warsaw.


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February 18, 2020 at 4:36 PM