Comarch increases employment

Visualization of SSE7
Visualization of SSE7
A producer of IT systems has received another permit for running a business activity in the Cracow Special Economic Zone.

Comarch has received another permit for running a business activity in the Cracow Economic Zone. The company, which has been present in the zone since 1999, has already built 6 office structures with the total space amounting to more than 55 000 sq. m on the area of the sub-zone Czyżyny in Cracow. The value of all investments conducted by this company in the Cracow Special Economic Zone has already amounted to more than 230 million zlotys.


The company is going to build a new office with the size amounting to about 27 000 sq. m within the permit, which will contribute to a significant increase of production capacity in the area of developing IT systems. Investment inputs may amount to more than 69 million zlotys. Thanks to the investment there will be also at least 300 new working places for employees.


The building named SS7 will be composed of an underground garage with parking places for 157 cars and 86 bicycles, ground floor, 4 floors as well as a technical tier on the roof. There will be also service premises on the ground floor and office space on floors. The general contractor of the project is Budimex. The completion of the investment is planned on the third quarter of 2017.


See more: Comarch with a new investment in Cracow Economic Zone


Comarch is a company recorded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The company produces innovative IT systems for the key sectors of economy: telecommunication, banking and finances. It also delivers solutions to public administration as well as to commercial, service and production companies. Comarch is also developing its offer dedicated to medical sector.


Brak Oceny

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