According to CB Richard Ellis’ report the 75 per cent of all purchase transactions on the commuercial real property market in East-Central Europe was conducted in Poland and Russia. The overall value of investments in the 3rd quarter amounted to 1.5 M. Euro. It means a 60 per cent increase per quarter – the highest in the entire Europe.
Since the beginning of 2010 the value of commercial investments amounted to 3.3 M. Euro at the same time exceeding the result from the entire 2009 (2.6 M.). According to the CBRE report 45 per cent of all transactions were conducted in Poland and in Russia 32 per cent.
The average value of an investment amounted to 70 M. Euro. The largest transactions concerned the business park located in Russia which was sold for 285 M. Euro.
The increased investment activity combined with increasing number of transactions means that the financial institutions are more eager to provide loans for new commercial investments.