Dzielna 60 – offices in a post-industrial part of Warsaw

Dzielna 60
The complex of buildings at Dzielna 60 Street
Ochnik Development modernized an office complex located at Dzielna 60 Street in Warsaw. The structures will offer offices in a loft standard.

The construction works concerning the development and renovation of historical properties located at Dzielna 60 Street in Warsaw lasted three years. The office complex is composed of industrial buildings after a former Noblesse tobacco plant, warehouse of the Polish Tobacco Monopoly, and POLFER factory. New office area was realized in place of them.


The investor of Dzielna 60, that is Ochnik Development, is owned by Ochnik group. It revitalized structures starting with facades, continuing with interiors, and ending with the external environment. Moreover, some of the buildings were also developed. Thanks to it, 1000 sq. m of additional space were obtained. The total area of these five structures amounts to 20 000 sq. m. Furthermore, the tenants of the complex will be able to benefit from 200 parking places.


The project was untypical and I have to admit that it required quite an unusual approach. It resulted from the fact that it is natural to encounter some unplanned factors which require new solutions and additional work in the process of renovation of post-industrial buildings – says Jacek Ochnik, chairman in Ochnik Development. – First and foremost, we wanted to maintain the identity of this place which is so closely related to the history of the city and give it its own distinct character. Especially that Dzielna 60 offers such an untypical space like loft offices – adds Ochnik.


The project envisaged the combination of historical elements with modern ones. The construction elements like brick-built walls and balks, steel pillars and joists, as well as transparent constructions of metal entresols of factory buildings were maintained, renovated and exhibited in the interiors. All companies will be able to rent 60-700 sq. m of area within one floor.


Additionally, there will be also a restaurant under the brand of Nasza Kuchnia located in a two-level loft on the area of the complex. Furthermore, the tenants will be able to benefit from free Conference Zone, Relaxation Zone, and green courtyard with places intended for rest and seasonal café garden.


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Maurycy :
Wygląda super. Ktoś pomyślał i zamiast stawiać nowe szklane klocki zajął się odnowieniem czegoś co ma historię i może zaoferować jakieś klimatyczne miejsce na biuro, a nie boks w wieżowcu.
March 19, 2015 at 1:19 PM