Over 100 exhibitors are registered to ventilation technique, air-conditioning and cooling fair

In spite of the fact that VENTILATION FORUM – AIR-CONDITIONING SHOWROOM 2015 ventilation technique, air-conditioning and cooling fair will take place not until March, over 100 exhibitors are already registered.

We are very glad about the interest of exhibitors concerning our event – points out Tomasz Trusewicz, organizer of the fair and director in Polish Ventilation Association. – There is one month left before the closure of the exhibitors’ list and today we can say that the fair will be record-breaking in respect of rented area. The success of this year’s edition contributed to it since over 3.200 people from the industry decided to participate in it and also March Forum is the best place to present the newest products and technical solutions. Moreover, it is an unique opportunity to acquaint with the offer of the industry for the following season.


The list of companies present on the fair may be seen here: www.forumwentylacja.pl/wystawcy.


VENTILATION FORUM – AIR-CONDITIONING SHOWROOM 2015 – is the biggest event in Poland dedicated to ventilation, air-conditioning and cooling industry. It will take place on 3-4th March 2015 in Warsaw, in the center of MT Poland. Designers, installers, its users, investors, contractor companies, architects, producers, distributors, representatives and students from technical universities will participate in the event. The fair will be combined with a 2-day series of substantive seminars.

Brak Oceny

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