Which difficulties does Facility Manager encounter in its work?

The oldest publishing company on the market, which has been delivering technical knowledge within management of large structures for over 10 years, organizes the Facility Management Polish Nationwide Convention for the eighth time.

The event is organized in order to solve concrete problems which Facility Manager encounters in its work. A practical problem-solving formula, which abounds in case studies and economic calculation, will allow to present proven and economic tools facilitating the work of Facility Manager. Gathered experts – only practitioners who achieved success in a certain area – will focus on the most often problems and present how they were solved in other structures in Poland and abroad. Moreover, speakers will be available to individual consultancies for the whole 2 days of the convention.


The subject area of the convention is adjusted to realia of large structures’ management: commercial, warehouse, production and public utility. Furthermore, there will be presented following issues among mentioned topics:

  • How can we maximally economize on the consumption of energy in a building?

  • How can we solve the most often and specific problems of managers which consider different types of buildings: industrial, warehouse, commercial and public utility?

  • How can we compile economic calculation of each investment and obtain a necessary base for good management decisions?

  • How can we provide complex safety in a building on the basis of other Facility Managers’ experience?

  • What are the possibilities of the reduction of business and tax costs in industrial and commercial structures?

  • How can we effectively manage scattered structures if a company has its branches or if it is in charge of a network of commercial structures?

  • Which working tools do actually facilitate the work of Facility Manager and which ones generate costs?


The conference is taking place in Marriott Warsaw Airport hotel on 16-17 October.

More information concerning Facility Management Convention is available on the website:


Brak Oceny

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