Changes in the labour market are coming?

MPs are working on a government draft the aim of which is to improve the efficiency of labour offices.

The unemployment level in February this year did not decrease, but an increase in the number of job offers can be noticed. The most difficult challenge on the present labour market is to improve the situation of young people and people aged +50. MPs continue to work on government draft the aim of which is to improve the efficiency of labour offices.


We are on the eve of approving of the changes in the labour market policy by the parliament. The reform of the employment service provides a number of new instruments dedicated to the young and to people 50+. We prepared these instruments in dialogue with the employers, so we are certain that they will be effective, says Jacek Męcina, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy.


The assumptions of the government draft include, among others, the introduction of profiling the unemployed, launching special programmes for the young and people 50+ and developing a system of awarding bonuses to officials for effective work. The aim is to restore the long-term unemployed to professional activity. Improving situation on the labour market is expected to be another favourable condition.


It may be the year in which it will turn out that certain industries are running out of employees. The change in demographic situation also indicates that we have less and less human capital. So it is good that new jobs are created, because they will also change the attitudes of Polish employees, in particular the young ones who can find employment in Poland and do not have to look for it abroad, claims Jacek Męcina.


According to the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey, in the second quarter of 2014, the hiring prospects after the seasonal variation (that is, the difference between employers who expect total employment to increase and the ones who plan to decrease it) stands at 7 per cent.


Where are new jobs created? Most of them are created in transport, logistics, communication and manufacturing. Fewer and fewer jobs are, however, in the mining industry, energy sector, gas industry, and in waterworks. This is very optimistic information for your people; let’s not forget it was the young who, from 2012-2012 when no new jobs were created, had the greatest difficulty to start their careers. New investments are created and new job offers appear, particularly for graduates. The situation of people 50+ is a bit worse, because they often need, apart from job offers, some support, for instance improving their skills, and help in convincing the employers to take them on, notices Jacek Męcina.


According to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the unemployment rate in February this year amounted to 14 percent, which is the same as in January. It is worth noting, however, that due to seasonal factors unemployment usually rises in February. The tendency in 2014, as our data show, is good. The revival on the labour market and in the economy is visible. It is obvious that the beneficiaries of this economic growth will be these regions in which there are more investments. In eastern and north-eastern regions of Poland there are fewer investments, but it is certain that new jobs will be also created there and the unemployment rate will drop, comments Jacek Męcina.

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