Predictions concerning the improvement on market situation and economy's increase facilitate fusions and seizures of smaller companies by bigger brands.
According to the experts, the situation concerns primarily the sectors in which the market is dispersed, that is there's a lot of subjects and a huge competition. A very good example of such a situation can be seen in cable TV, banking and insurance sectors were a significant number of highly competitive subjects can be spotted. Taking into account the development perspectives of the market, one should expect the taking over of smaller companies by the bigger ones – says Jerzy Kalinowski, counselling company partner in KPMG.
There's a huge possibility that a part of foreign investors will withdraw from Poland and sell their shares to other companies. According to the experts, the seizures conducted abroad by polish companies looking for new markets and resources are also possible. It will occur primarily in relation to the so called 'national champions', that is very big companies. One example was provided by KGHM, which has already made such an acquisition in Canada – comments Jerzy Kalinowski.
The seizures of foreign companies are connected with a preceding analysis of local markets. Those can be the countries of Eastern and Central Europe, which will naturally meet the requirements of local markets in terms of, for example, financial services. In terms of resources based companies, it will be a search for places in which resources can be found – crude oil or minerals – explains Jerzy Kalinowski.