Investors and developers fight for the specialists

PropertyTalents company announces the increased head-hunting activity among developing and investment companies in Poland.

Based on the recruitment projects run by PropertyTalents, the conclusions were drawn concerning a growth of head-hunting activity among developing and investment companies. Most of the desirable employees were the specialists on hiring real estate, and a small domination of of the specialists on hiring office space was observed. They could expect a salary of 14 000 to 30 000 PLN, according to job tenure, achievements and results. Investors and developers were also looking for project managers, development managers and experienced staff supporting office work, which are HR managers, marketing specialists and executive assistants.

Another group hunting for the talents was international advisory companies whose aim was to reinforce their teams, most of all in office and managing real estate departments. In this case, a salary was fluctuating between 6000 and 25 000 PLN.

Taking into consideration all office projects announced in 2013, it becomes obvious that we are now dealing with a hard fight, not only for the lessees, who will move to above-mentioned real estates, but most of all for the people who will be able to perform all this work– says Alexander Morari, PropertyTalents’ Managing Partner. Developers more than ever need well motivated employees who want to achieve assumed goals, not only the „performers”. We often deal with the companies with very ambitious aims. Frankly speaking, searching for suitable staff for those companies, require a lot of hard work, but such challenges make Property Talents stronger and more effective – he adds.

What salary can currently wanted employees expect? 


Salary offered

 (PLN per month)

(specialists on hiring and managers, heads of hiring departments, trading managers)

6000 - 30 000

(HR managers, accountants)

8000 - 12 000

(managers and marketing directors: offices and commercial centers)

14 000 - 25 000

(mainly trade real estate)

18 000 - 25 000

Facility Management
(mainly associated with business development)

12 000 - 22 000

Project Management
(both office and trade real estate)

8 000 - 35 000


According to the information of PropertyTalents Research, investment companies and developers are over 51 per cent of head-hunting companies. International advisory companies are the second with nearly 22 per cent, while the international trade companies are on the third position with nearly 8 per cent of share. The next on the list are the manufacturers of building materials, international companies that manage infrastructure, building companies and law firms. 

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