Torus for Iwona Guzowska

Iwona Guzowska
Iwona Guzowska
The multiple European and world champion in kick-boxing and boxing is preparing herself to compete in triathlon.

Iwona Guzowska is known for her successes in kickboxing and boxing. In the near future she will also try her hands in triathlon, during Ironman European Championship in Frankfurt and in the Herbalife Triathlon in Gdynia. During her struggles she will be supported by Torus company , the developer of Gdansk office Alchemia.

As early as in 90’s I have heard about the legendary race at Ironman distance (3.8 km swim, 180 km bike, 42,195 km run in Kona, Hawaii. I thought to myself that this a big challenge and I would like to try it someday. And it happened! Today I can say that I feel in love with the sport-says Iwona Guzowska.

Iwona Guzowska  is already experienced in this  sport  after performances in competitions like Irontriathlon in Malbork or  Herbalife in Susz. Last year I debuted at the half of the Ironman distance with the time 6 hours, 3 minutes and 33 seconds. I recall, that I was dissatisfied, because I counted on the result of less than 6 hours. I have finally succeeded during the start in Borówno, where I have finished the season with the time of 5 hours and 37 minutes. I missed less than 40 seconds to take the third place – says the competitor. Her  recent successes indicate, that the current season can be even better. On last competitions Elemental Triathlon in Olsztyn, Iwona took the second place and in the event of  Garmin Iron Triathlon 2013 series in Malbork she triumphed it her category

Nevertheless behind every success, hard work is hidden. Triathlon is a difficult sport because it combines 3 sports, swimming, cycling and running, Preparation for the triathlon requires big effort. A person who trains has to contrive a lot to find time for 3 such different sports. Each participant has the area, in which he feels the strongest but triathlon is about not having any weak points at all. Therefore I will have a lot to do with my trainer Marcin Florek. especially because I have to work on my swimming performance that is my Achilles’ heel-explains Iwona Guzowska.

The complexity of triathlon makes it an expensive sport. One has to purchase equipment- bicycles, swimming foam, good shoes and pay for the training. Of course, costs of registration at competition must be included – in order to take part in competition in Frankfurt Ironman Sparkasse, the participant has to pay over 500 euro not mentioning transport and accommodation costs.The overall cost of one season, with several starts in major events, for such contestant as me- that means half professional is more or less about 30 thousand złoty. Therefore the support of sponsors is priceless- sums up Iwona Guzowska

The main sponsor of the contestant during the competition in Frankfurt and Gdynia will be Gdańsk’s developer Torus. Triathlon wins in Poland, a growing number of supporters as well as active participants. We have noticed also that it becomes more and more popular among managers and office workers, who regularly take care of their health and set new athletic goals-says Sławomir Grajewski Torus CEO.It can be concluded that, despite the all the difficulties, it is actually a form of sport available to everyone.

Brak Oceny

Tags: Torus Alchemia
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