Villa-like Office Buildings To Be Constructed in Gdańsk

A visualisation of the extension plans of Dworek Salzmanna in Gdańsk
In the Oliva district in Gdańsk, building works on Dworek Saltzmanna (Saltzmann's Manor House) have just started. According to the plans, office buildings will be erected there in the future.

Korporacja Budowlana Doraco (Doraco Construction Corporation) have begun construction works at Opacka street in Gdańsk (the Oliwa district). They are aimed at reconstructing the garden around  Dworek Saltzmanna ( Saltzmann's Manor House, also known as The Gardener's Manor). The company is planning to restore the 18th century French and English gardens to their original condition. Moreover, Doraco considers the creation of new office buildings and apartment houses, whose design will draw on the facilities of Folwark Opacki (Opacki Farm). The investor will have his premises in one of the new office buildings.

The building is enlisted in the heritage register. Therefore, the architectural design was prepared upon consultation with the municipal conservator-restorer.

The cornerstone ceremony will take place on 29 June 2013. By September 2013, reconstruction works in the gardens will be completed, whereas construction works are planned to be finished by December 2014.

The Polish word “dworek” refers to to a manor house used or owned by Polish nobility.  Dworek Saltzmanna dates back to 1760, when  Jacek Rybiński, the aboot of a Cistercian monastery, commissioned its construction. Its first resident was the famous gardener Kazimierz Dębiński. Since 1794, the house was owned by another gardener, Johann George Nicolas Saltzmann. In 1854 the manor house was bought by the Salzmann family, who ordered new buildings and facilities to be constructed. After World War II, the building was taken over by the State Treasury, and it was used by Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Ogrodowych (the Municipal Garden Company).

By the end of the 20th century, the property was rented by Doraco. The company became its owner in 2002.

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Kamil :
Genialny pomysł!
May 21, 2013 at 1:12 PM