Plot for plot

Juvenes will give the city the Wars cinema in return for the plot at the junction of Długa and Bohaterów Getta streets.

Juvenes was planning to build an apartment building in the place of the Wars cinema but the developer gave those plans up because the object had been added to the list of monuments and because of the economic crisis. Juvenes began to look for new land for the investment. Currently, the developer made an offer for the land at the junction of Długa and Bohaterów Getta streets, which is owned by the city. In return it is offering the Wars cinema.

In 1900 Simmons Passage has been created at the junction of Długa and Bohaterów Getta streets. Back then it was one of the most recognizable buildings in Warsaw. The passage was demolished during the war and the nearby area didn’t seem interesting for developers. “Gazeta Wyborcza” informs that Juvenes is planning to revive the surroundings and restore its former appeal. The company wants to construct a 6-storey apartment building with commercial and office facilities on the ground and first floor. Its form will make reference to the passage.

The transaction between the investor and the city will be concluded. – as we read in “Gazeta Wyborcza” – The city will allot the building of the Wars cinema to the Kwadrat theatre.

Tags: Juvenes
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