Large interest in Leszno's inkubator.

Leszczyński Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości enjoys a success right from the start.
Leszczyński Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości enjoys a success right from the start.
Opened last week, Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości in Leszno managed by Leszczyńskie Centrum Biznesu already boasts 75% of office area rented out.

Inkubator, currently situated on Geodetów 1, in I.D.E.A  investment area, shall support newly created and developing companies operating innovative activities. Together, the complex offers it's future tenants 2 000 m2 of office and warehouse-production area.

-We're inviting everyone thinking of starting their own businesses as well as enterpreneurs who want to develop their enterprises – said the Leszczyńskie Centrum Biznesu's Board Director, Alicja Szczypińska during the grand opening. - We offer consulting, training and lease of area necessary for operating business on very attractive terms under a prestigous address as well as modernly equipped conference halls in various sizes.

Already we can speak of a great interest from companies, seeing as 82% of warehouse area has already been rented out, and the office area in 75%. The reason for leszczyński Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości's success is probably the subregion's most modern infrastructure, as well as a committed, highly qualified and experienced team. Leszczyńskie Centrum Biznesu is already planning cooperation with the best business support centers and the most effective regional and international coaches.

Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości's construction had been possible thanks to the funding from Wielkopolski Regionalny Program Operacyjny.  

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